Territoires en transition" research project - Contribution to a territorial inventory

  • Internship

  • School Offer

Rouen - Darnétal

Your tasks

The "Architecture Territoire Environnement" (ATE) laboratory at ENSA Normandie is looking for an intern to contribute to a territorial inventory of players and architectural and social practices in the field of housing and in relation to human and demographic aging.

Background and objective of the internship :

This contribution is part of the "Territoires en transition : habitat, vieillissement et espaces de vie" research project, supported by the FilSeine Foundation and the Union Social pour l'Habitat, and coordinated by the "Architecture, Territoire, Environnement" (ATE) laboratory at ENSA Normandie.

The way in which territories are approached from the point of view of housing and the phenomena of human and demographic ageing are constantly evolving. They involve taking into account "age cultures" and architectural and urban project cultures. It is difficult, if not impossible, to learn the various modes of action and postures that result from these changes, without case studies and hands-on teaching. The latter enable learners to concretize the complexity of reality and to confront different discourses - academic, professional, political - with the aim of spatially and temporally circumscribing the issues involved in designing and adapting the built environment to the aging of its inhabitants.

The aim of the assignment is to prepare the documentary resources related to the theme (archival documents, data, maps, photos, interviews, etc.) and to carry out various forms of interpretation and synthesis by calling them up. It can take the form of either a 5-month internship, or two internships of 3 and 2 months respectively.

Details of the assignment (for one trainee over 5 months or for two trainees, of 3 and 2 months respectively)

- Course of Stage 1 (3 months):
The work is organized into four phases:
◦ Transcribing debates and identifying key concepts (with development of synthetic, referenced definitions).
◦ Complete interviews with key players (already carried out)
◦ Collect data on actions taken: inventory of available resources and, if possible, archive documents
◦ Draw up a thematic map including summary sheets for each point of interest.

- Course of internship 2 (2 months):
The work is organized in three phases:
◦ Produce graphic summaries based on documented files concerning different themes and fields of action.
◦ Redraw plans and create cross-sections of the various buildings.
◦ Propose a graphic model sketch assembling the elements produced.

Desired profile(s) :
- Master's level students (in architecture, territorial sciences or human and social sciences)
- Proficiency in appropriate IT tools and various representation techniques;
- Interest in research and documentary production, as well as in the development of display devices;
- Good written synthesis skills
- Sense of organization and autonomy; ability to listen and collaborate