Quai de Seine Rouen

Only 1 hour by train from Paris and 45 minutes by car from the Normandy coast,

Rouen offers all the attractions of a large city while being a city on a human scale.
And with more than 40,000 students in a multitude of disciplines: it is impossible not to rub shoulders with them through festive, cultural, sporting or associative events!


While student accommodation is available through the CROUS, there are many flats and studios in the city centre that can be rented from agencies or individuals. These flats and studios are generally eligible for APL and housing grants.

Visale scheme for student accommodation

Visale aid for students is an initiative designed to facilitate access to housing for young people in higher education. This free rental guarantee, offered by Action Logement, provides students with a guarantor free of charge, a crucial advantage in an often demanding rental market. Visale covers any unpaid rent, reassuring landlords and simplifying the process for students. At the same time, taking out home insurance is an essential step for all student tenants, and can be done via the Smeno website. This insurance protects the property and its contents against a range of risks, including fire, water damage, theft and even third-party damage. It is often required by landlords before the keys are handed over, and represents essential financial security. By combining Visale aid with adequate home insurance, students can settle in with peace of mind, knowing that they are protected against the unexpected and that they are meeting the legal and contractual requirements of their tenancy.

Information on payment terminals

In the event of credit card fraud, visit the government website Perceval

Andrew Neel

Prepare for your arrival with Mondopal!

ENSA Normandie and MondoPal join forces to improve student's living conditions on campus!

Eating out
Ponyo Sakana

Eating out

A cafeteria is open at ENSA Normandie from 9am to 4.30pm. Every lunchtime, a dish of the day is offered as well as fast food options. Payment methods accepted are cash, cheques and credit cards.

For students who have the Léocarte, access to university restaurants in the metropolis is possible. Once the Léocarte has been credited via the Izly platform, it can be used to pay for food and drink at CROUS restaurants.

Getting around

The city centre of Rouen is an area that can be easily reached on foot. For your travels within the agglomeration, a public transport network allows you to reach the whole territory. The metropolis also has a bicycle rental system available.

ENSA Normandie is easily accessible by public transport from Rouen city centre and also has free parking. In terms of soft mobility, the "Robec walk", a bucolic stroll along the Robec river, allows you to reach the city centre from ENSA Normandie on foot or by bike.

BUS : TEOR 3 : Direction Darnétal-Durécu Lavoisier. Station Ecole d'Architecture // Access by car From Paris, Motorway A13 Exit 22

  1. Public transport
  2. Bike rental
Getting around©JF Lange - RNT&C
JF Lange - RNT&C

Taking care of yourself

The health services of the University of Rouen Normandy are available to the students of the School.

NO APPOINTMENT CONSULTATION: personalised reception and health education (listening, information, advice and guidance) // Emergency care // Vaccination and vaccination check

CONSULTATION WITH APPOINTMENT: adaptation of examination conditions // Gynaecology - contraception // Psychiatric medicine // Psychology // Follow-up of students with disabilities // Social assistance service // Various consultations (balanced diet, dermatology, acupuncture, addictology // Sophrology

The university doctor is located at the Maison de l'Université, rue Lavoisier, Mont-Saint-Aignan - tel:

PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT: All students can contact the listening unit of the Institut d'Accompagnement Psychologique et de Ressources du Ministère de la Culture directly by dialling the following freephone number: 08 05 03 99 63.

Student health insurance agencies

LMDE: 23 rue de la République, Rouen- Tel. 0 811 50 56 33

SMENO: 123 rue du Général Leclerc, Rouen - Tel. 09 72 67 60 00

Doing sport
Valentin Lefevre

Doing sport

The ENSA Normandie sports office offers students sports events throughout the academic year.

The BDS participates in the Rouen Normandie Sup' Cup. This sports challenge, organised by the Metropole Rouen Normandie, the city of Rouen, CESAR and the CRSU, has now become a must for all students in the Metropole.

The SUAPS (Service Universitaire des activités Physiques et Sportives) of the University of Rouen allows students of the metropolis to practice one or several sports at a lower cost. The practice and training rooms are located in the six campus branches throughout the city.

The Rouen Normandy Metropolis offersfree sports activities: zumba, pilates, yoga (Kindarena) and urban training (left bank quays of the Seine).

Buying supplies

The Students' Office runs a cooperative which allows students to access very competitive prices for their materials

The Leocard

The Léocarte is the student card of ENSA Normandie. As a European student card, it is proof of your status. It can be used to have lunch in all CROUS restaurants (Resto'U, cafeterias, brasseries), to borrow books from the University Libraries, to use the photocopiers, to benefit from reduced rates such as the culture card or to take certain exams.

the Leocard
Normandy University


Primo ARCHI is a community which aims to create links between the different students of the ENSA of France and Navarre. In order to encourage: exchanges on work, travel from one school to another...