
First registration

Registration for first-time entrants via Parcoursup is carried out online in the first two weeks of July after receiving an email giving access to the Taiga registration portal.

Students who have not validated their wishes on Parcoursup Students who have not validated their applications on Parcoursup will have to contact the pedagogical department at the beginning of the school year to register at the beginning of September.


Re-registration is carried out online via the TAIGA intranet portal from August 26 to August 28, 2024 (except for students with special circumstances).

After the start of the academic year, no registration will be considered.

Annliz Bonin

Amount of the registration / re-registration fee

  • Bachelor's degree: €483 tuition
  • Master: €642 tuition fee
All rights reserved

Student and campus life contribution

For all enrolments or re-registrations in initial training at the École nationale supérieure de Normandie, you must pay the Student Life and Campus Contribution (CVEC).

The fee is €103. From July 1, you can pay or waive the fee on the dedicated website. You will then receive a certificate of payment, which is essential for your administrative registration on the École intranet portal.

If a student is enrolled in more than one higher education institution, it is due only once.

Documents and evidence to be provided:

  1. Certificate of payment of the Student Life and Campus Contribution (link to anchor 1). You will have an interface on Taiga to fill in the attestation number
  2. Certificate of civil liability = "school and extracurricular" insurance certificate: for the coming academic year, proving that you are covered for the following risks: risks related to school and extracurricular activities, internships, work camps, study trips. Certificate to be requested from the agency that insures you for social responsibility.
  3. Submit an EAE application (see below)
  4. Certificate for a minor
  5. For students receiving a grant: the favourable conditional grant notification for the coming academic year or the final grant notification for the academic year N-1.

Situation of the "Student with study arrangements" (S.S.A.)

The arrangement of timetables and the choice of the method of testing skills and knowledge are proposed:

  • students with special responsibilities in the life of the school,
  • to students with families,
  • to students with disabilities,
  • to high-level sports students,
  • students engaged in professional life

Other registration procedures

Depending on your profile or on specific training courses offered at ENSA Normandie