Habilitation to exercise project management in one's own name - HMONP

In order to become a registered architect - i.e. registered on the regional roll of the Order of Architects - the State Architect (ADE) must hold a licence to practise, known in France as the habilitation à l'exercice de la maîtrise d'œuvre en son nom propre (HMONP).


The HMONP is available:
  • either to holders of the state diploma of architect (or of a diploma or titles admitted in equivalence)
  • via the validation of acquired experience (VAE) procedure

Analysis of applications

ENSA Normandie only accepts 42 ADEs each year. Consequently, applications are analyzed by the HMONP Commission according to three criteria:

  1. Maturity of professional project and role of HMONP training in it,
  2. Coherence of pathway in relation to choice of MSP location,
  3. Motivation to complete HMONP at ENSAN.

The HMONP Commission is sovereign in its selection of candidates. Successful candidates are announced in September.


Frequently asked questions

Workplace situations


You can sign up for a full-time fixed-term contract covering the entire MSP, i.e. 25 full-time equivalent weeks excluding vacations.

You can register with a CDI, even if it was contracted before you applied.

You can't run your MSP as a freelancer or auto-entrepreneur.

Yes, if the entire contract covers a cumulative period of at least 25 full-time equivalent weeks, excluding vacations, between the time of registration and the time of the final examination.

No, the tutor must be a registered architect with at least 5 years' experience.

Yes, if you meet the minimum registration and experience requirements.

Yes, depending on the case. The HMONP committee will review each application to ensure that the training requirements are met. In addition, the tutor must meet the minimum registration and experience criteria.

Yes, theoretical training is counted as working time.

You can start your MSP when you register in September. Please note, however, that the first training session in October will introduce you to the weekly logbook.

Validation of professional experience

You can apply for VAE after a minimum of 3 years' full-time equivalent project management experience. Each VAE application must be supported by a reflective dossier analyzing your experience and covering all facets of the architect's activity. You can consult the methodological sheet dedicated to compiling a VAE application file.

Postponement and re-registration :

ENSA Normandie offers you the possibility of a make-up jury in January of the following year. You can only defend only once at the January session of the following year. If you fail, you must repeat the course. If you don't take the exam in January, you'll have to start the course all over again.

No. The observations of the jury that requested the catch-up will serve as a framework for your supplement.

If you pass the theory courses (minimum average of 10/20 in seminar evaluations), your 30 ECTS are acquired, even if you fail the oral. However, if you take more than 3 years to re-enroll, you will be required to take all the courses again (without being assessed).

If you pass the theory courses (minimum average of 10/20 in seminar evaluations), your 30 ECTS are acquired. To re-enroll, you'll need to follow the same procedures as for a first-time MSP or VAE enrolment. The only difference is that you will not be assessed for the seminars.

If you have completed your theory courses at another ENSA and failed the exam, you must repeat the entire course. If you have validated your theory courses and can provide proof that you have obtained the corresponding ECTS credits, these will be acquired. However, as each ENSA course is specific, you will be required to attend all of them.

Submission of application for the 2024/2025 academic year

from 01/06/2024 to 31/07/2024

by following the procedure below:

Log on to: admission.archi.fr // Choose: ENSA-Normandie // Click on : Create a file
In "Session admission", choose: HMONP 2024-2025 // Click on : Access this session // Enter your details, then validate.

On receipt of the confirmation email, log in again using the reference of the application and your name. Upload the completed application form and supporting documents (pdf and jpg only) in the "Files and complements" tab, then validate. The transmission is automatic, no paper file to send.

Applicants are informed of the decision by e-mail

during the first half of September.



Administrative registration for the 2024/2025 school year

Administrative registrations will be made online via the Taïga portal, open from 09/15/24 to 10/05/24.

You will receive an email from the school's IT department to connect to the Taïga platform (only for students who are not known to Ensa, for the others you must reuse your codes).

Training fees/registration fees

The payment of the registration fees can be done preferably by credit card (secure payment paybox (no document to send), or by check or cash (the registration form Taïga with the name, first name and number of the student must be joined to the payment).
  • 2024/25 For ADE trainees: Registration fee €630
  • 2024/25 For ADEs presenting the defense only: €35


The objective of this training is to focus specifically on the exercise of project management and the professional responsibilities and skills associated with it.


It is carried out over a period of 12 months, consisting of 6 months of work experience (with a fixed salary), i.e. :

  • 150 hours of theoretical teaching at the Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture de Normandie
  • 26 weeks full-time, minimum work experience

For applicants registered by VAP, ENSA Normandie may authorise a reduction in training: either the ADE is exempted from the work placement and/or all or part of the theoretical courses.

Ahmad Ardity


This course is carried out under the supervision of an ENSA Normandie teacher and a tutor in the host structure, with specific training sessions within the framework of the school, and the production of a reflective logbook, accompanied by a professional thesis.

It is organized by six workshops and five seminars at a rate of two to three days/month from October to May - structured around the following axes of reflection

  • The architect's responsibility
  • Regulations, standards and practices
  • The design process of the architectural project
  • Site management and monitoring techniques
  • The production process of the urban project

Two workshops allow to verify that the expectations of the training are being built. These five training sequences address, each in its own way, the questions related to the architect's responsibility, but in a specific way, taking care to respect a logic of progression in the training. To ask, at the end of the training, the question of the responsibility with regard to the economic stakes of the project also makes it possible to establish a bond with the setting in professional situation of the candidates.


The MSP begins after the protocol is signed. It takes place, subject to validation of prior learning, over the equivalent of at least 26 weeks, full-time, from October to June: it should be emphasized that the interaction - between the theoretical contributions of the school and the learning of professional practice (MSP) - is only made possible by the simultaneity of these two training modes.

Validation mode

It gives rise to a defense before a jury composed of teachers, a representative of the order and members of the professional community. This is compulsory for all those enrolled (VAP, candidates who were deferred the previous year, etc.).


  • From 01/06/23 to 09/07/23 : Application session for the 2023/2024 school year
  • 05/09/23: Commission for the validation of prior learning
  • From 15/09/23 to 05/10/23: Administrative registration
  • 19/10/2023: Start of training