The delocalised licence in Hanoi

The Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate programme at the Hanoi University of Architecture (HAU) in Vietnam is the result of collaboration between ENSA Toulouse, ENSA Belleville, ENSAP Bordeaux, ENSA Normandie and the Hanoi University of Architecture to create a cross-cultural training programme.


The Hanoi University of Architecture and the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Normandie jointly offer a Bachelor's degree (DEAA), as part of a Bachelor's-Master's-Doctorate cycle in Architecture.
This training allows Vietnamese and French-speaking students to acquire a solid urban and landscape architectural training in the light of contemporary issues shared by the East and the West: global warming, rising water levels, air pollution, accumulation of waste from the "consumer" society.



Luc Perrot
mobility aids
Luc Perrot


To apply, it is necessary to have or be preparing a Baccalaureate. This course is also open to Vietnamese and international students.

Applications are made on Parcoursup.

Enrolled students contribute to the fees of both institutions: Hanoi University of Architecture and ENSA Normandie.



  • 3 years organised in 6 semesters for a French student
  • 4 years organised in 8 semesters for a Vietnamese student



The training takes place at the University of Architecture of Hanoi with a possibility of mobility to ENSA Normandie. The Bachelor's degree is taught by teachers from the French national schools of architecture: Normandy, Toulouse, Bordeaux.


Validation mode

Skills and knowledge acquisition are assessed either by continuous assessment or by a final evaluation or examination, or by a combination of both.



Diploma of Architectural Studies (DEEA), which is equivalent to a Bachelor's degree


Job opportunities

It enables students to continue their training in the second cycle of architectural studies, or to move on to other higher education courses. Outside the world of study, it can also lead to short professional training courses leading to working life. A DEEA diploma can lead to employment as an architect's assistant or in the civil service.


Each ENSA-P in the consortium carries a part of the cycle:

  • ENSA Normandie holds the licence,
  • ENSA Toulouse is responsible for the post-master's programme,
  • ENSA-P Bordeaux is the holder of the doctorate.

The whole cycle is coordinated between the 4 institutions and is subject to an annual steering committee to ensure its coherence.