Conference - The adventure of the Whole Earth Catalog

By Caroline Maniaque

14 Dec 2023
Conference - The adventure of the Whole Earth Catalog
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Cycle architecture à lire -

18h00 - Jean Duminy Amphitheatre -

The book recounts the birth, development and demise of a magazine that appeared five times between the early and late 1970s, spread beyond any traditional institutional or economic framework, sold a million copies in the U.S. and Europe, and inspired a French version. It provided readers with practical information on the latest research being carried out by the American counterculture on how to live differently: how to build a geodesic dome, make compost or design solar architecture, as well as the latest publications in the practical and scientific fields. The catalog combined an ecological approach with a hippie sensibility and an interest in cybernetics. Paradoxically, it heralded the transformation of our societies by new information technologies.

Caroline Maniaque is an architect with a doctorate in architectural history. Her work focuses on the American countercultures of the 1960s and 1970s. She is the author of Go West! Des architectes au pays de la contreculture, published in 2014.

Discussant: Gabriella Trotta-Brambilla

Scientific directors of the "Architecture à lire" lecture series: Caroline Maniaque and Gabriella Trotta-Brambilla, architects, teachers and researchers at ENSA Normandie and the ATE (Architecture, Territoire, Environnement) / ENSA Normandie / Normandie Université research laboratory.

Viewing link HERE

Visual: ©Caroline Maniaque