Symposium - Denise Scott Brown

Yale School of Architecture

8 Feb 2023
Symposium - Denise Scott Brown
  • School life

Fifty years after the publication of Learning from Las Vegas, the Yale School of Architecture (New Haven, USA) is dedicating a symposium to Denise Scott Brown. The symposium will focus on the revolutionary studio teaching methods developed by the American architect in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Valéry Didelon, professor at ENSA Normandie, will intervene in this symposium from 6pm (Paris time), and will propose a cross-reading of Denise Scott Brown's writings on Las Vegas and the essayist Susan Sontag's on the Camp sensibility.

The symposium will be available online by registration here.

Visual: Denise Scott Brown, 1978 ©Lynn Gilbert