Online presentation - Master urbanité

From 1.30 to 2.30 pm

14 May 2021
Online presentation - Master urbanité
  • School life

As part of the Institut d'Urbanisme de Normandie, the URBANITE Master's degree (URBAnisme durable, Numérique, Ingénierie, Transports, Environnement) trains future actors in urban planning, management and development of territories.

It prepares its students to manage and support the transitions facing cities and territories in the broadest sense, in terms of mobility, energy, sustainable development, housing and habitat, resource management, etc., which are now at the heart of their governance and the urban project. It gives a strong place to digital technology as a lever to support the project of more sustainable and more efficient urban territories in order to meet the objectives of improving the quality of life of inhabitants and increasing territorial well-being.

A strong opening to new urban horizons as an asset for the professional integration of young graduates.

Are you looking for a course of study at the end of your bachelor's degree or your 5th year? We invite you to discover the URBANITY course and its professional opportunities during an online presentation session.

Access the presentation by clicking here

Code : XPbSew9o

Visual: PFE 2019 ©Nail Jebbour