Publication - "Portrait lessons

Journal des anthropologues number 174-175

Publication - "Portrait lessons
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Le Journal des anthropologues (the scientific journal of the French Association of Anthropologists) has published its latest issue, entitled "Portrait lessons".

The dossier in this issue was proposed by Catherine Deschamps (LAA/LAVUE member, ENSA Paris-La Villette), Laetitia Overney (IPRAUS/AUSser member, ENSA Paris-Belleville) and Bruno Proth (ATE member, ENSA Normandie).

Bruno Proth co-signs two articles opening the thematic dossier: "Traits pour traits? Faire avec le portrait" and "Le portrait, un tracteur d'événements. Interview with Jean-François Laé".

Misia Forlen (doctoral student IDEES Le Havre / ATE ENSA Normandie) presents an article from her doctoral research in progress: 'Vidéos d'ouvrie-es dans les zones économiques spéciales polonaises'.

Dominique Dehais (Professor Emeritus ATE, ENSA Normandie) has written an article entitled "Envisagement".


Click HERE to see the contents of this issue


visual: cover of Journal des anthropologues n° 174-175

Published February 2, 2024