Publication - Pointe-à-Pitre à cœur perdu, à cœur vaillant

Guadeloupe Workshop

Publication - Pointe-à-Pitre à cœur perdu, à cœur vaillant
  • Documentation

Since 2017, ENSA Normandie's Architecture Ville et Territoire master's program has been collaborating with Guadeloupe's Direction des Affaires Culturelles (DAC). Each year, around twenty students from Normandy discover this overseas department and situate their semester's project in a territory they are learning to read and whose issues they are analyzing. The aim of the teachers is to enable students to take an interest in complex situations, and to encourage them to place their projects in the perspective of broad, shared issues: those of landscape and the environment, of changing urban configurations, of social and programmatic, industrial or technological transformations.

Teachers in charge: Rémi Ferrand, and Céline Orsingher

Booklet available for download in the publications stand and by clicking HERE.

Published February 16, 2024