Screening - "Go, Toto" by Pierre Creton

at 15:30 online

1 Dec 2020
Screening - "Go, Toto" by Pierre Creton
  • School life

In Vattetot-sur-mer, Madeleine's house is visited by a transient marcassin who is about to die. The elegant old lady takes him in, causing trouble in this village on the Normandy coast. Pierre, a neighbour who leads a sedentary life there, films Toto, the new arrival. His tranquillity is disrupted the day he finds Vincent who asks him, despite his aversion to travelling, to accompany him to India to the shrine of the monkey-god Hanumân. Vincent, as if haunted, leaves alone. It is during his absence that Pierre meets Joseph, a solitary peasant. Every morning, Pierre goes to his new friend's house, making day after day

Cycle of screenings and lectures Via Cinéma. Organised by Anne Philippe and Laurent Sfar, with their undergraduate and graduate students in Visual and Media Arts.
Open to all

Video conference with the director and Jocelyne Porcher, research director at INRA, former breeder (to be confirmed)

Visual: ©Pierre Creton All rights reserved