What does the future hold for small towns in Normandy?

Maison du Parc - Notre Dame de Bliquetuit - 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

9 Oct 2023
What does the future hold for small towns in Normandy?
  • School life

Out-of-home workshops technical review day

Registration required: contact@pnr-seine-normande.com

This technical day is an opportunity for all the partners involved in the off-site workshops in Rives-en-Seine (2021-2022) and Duclair (2022-2023), two towns in Normandy that have been awarded the "Small Towns of Tomorrow" label, to exchange ideas and take stock.

The following spoke for ENSA Normandie: Gabriella Trotta-Brambilla (project manager) and Dominique Lefrançois, teacher-researchers at ENSA Normandie, Laboratoire ATE.

In partnership with UniLaSalle, Pnr Boucles de la Seine Normande, SGAR Normandie, EPF Normandie, DDTM de la Seine Maritime, Fédération des Parcs naturels régionaux de France, Ville de Rives-en-Seine, Ville de Duclair and Métropole Rouen Normandie.

Download the program.