Meeting - the Archi XXth forums

20th century architecture, project material for the sustainable city of the 21st century

7 Apr 2022
Meeting - the Archi XXth forums
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from 9am to 12.30pm
in duplex from ENSA Marseille and ENSA Normandie (Alberti room)

As part of the promotion of the results of the 2016-2021 incentive research programme " 20th century architecture, project material for the sustainable city of the 21stcentury", ENSA Normandie is taking part in the " Archi XXe Forums" series of meetings and debates.

In partnership, ENSA Marseille and ENSA Normandie will host a morning of debates on the theme " Analysing architecture through mass data. Environmental issues for the rehabilitation of housing".

More information on the programme and the other Archi XXe forums on the dedicated website.

Visual: 02 Archi XXe forum poster © Graphic design: Sylvain Levrouw