A referent dedicated to her questions within the School

Fanny Pasquier, head of the communication department, is your contact person. Appointed by the Director, she is the correspondent for the Diversity and Equality Mission of the Ministry of Culture's policy on the prevention of discrimination.

Ministry of Culture

New listening and treatment unit

> Discrimination


Sexual or gender-based violence or abuse

>Harassment, threats or any other act of intimidation

Specialised lawyers will answer your questions and provide you with information and advice on the steps to be taken according to your situation in complete confidentiality.
Clinical psychologists can also provide temporary support for people who have been exposed to sexual violence or harassment.

For whom?

Students and staff of the Ministry of Culture

How to contact Concept RSE

Whichever way you choose, transmit the access code either 1959

By internet

By clicking HERE

By email


By telephone

toll-free number 08 01 90 59 10 from Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm

By post

Cabinet Concept RSE - Pôle tertiaire ECO WORK- 2 ZI Chartreuse Guiers - 38380 Entre-deux-Guiers
