Conference - From home to home. Age-proof cities

by Meriem CHABANI

14 Sep 2023
Conference - From home to home. Age-proof cities
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5:30 pm - Jean Duminy Amphitheatre - France
as part of the " Territoire en transition. Habitat, vieillissement et espaces de vie " organized by the ATE laboratory, in partnership with the Fondation Fil Seine and the Union sociale pour l'habitat en Normandie.

Retirement marks a major turning point. Time management, finances and social integration are all impacted, with degrees of anticipation varying according to the individual, but invariably leading to the question: where and how to grow old? In France, the vast majority want to remain at home. Rooted in the survey work carried out as part of the "Le Printemps de L'Hiver" study (Maison de l'Architecture IDF, 2019-2021), this talk examines the trends underlying aging in France, between desires for autonomy and community living - whether chosen or subjugated.
How can our cities support these desires for autonomy, and turn the spatial practices of the elderly into an opportunity for invention for all?


Meriem Chabani is an architect and urban planner, founder of the New South agency. She is also an associate lecturer at ENSA Paris Malaquais. Her aim is to "put the margin at the center". She questions the social, political and economic dynamics that shape territories and shape architecture. Her work has been exhibited at the Istanbul Design Biennial (2018), CIVA (2022) and the Lagos Biennial (2023). She is a winner of FAIRE (2021), the Europe 40 under 40 prize awarded by the European Center for Architecture and the Chicago Athenaeum (2020), Europan (2017) and the Holcim Awards for Sustainable Development (2014). Topics: South/North relations, Inclusive cities, Architecture of the Sacred, Productive cities.

visual: Chez Ginette © Olivier Leclerq - Etude le Printemps de l'Hiver