Scholarship holders: these grants are combined with the CROUS grants for which you must apply.

Hannover©Irina Iriser
Hannover©Irina Iriser

Erasmus + allowance

  • Minimum length of stay :

The minimum is 3 months for study mobility and 2 months for traineeship mobility; maximum 12 months of mobility per cycle (study and traineeship combined).

  • Monthly amount according to the country for the Erasmus+ 2022 agreement (the amounts are likely to change with each agreement)

Four groups of countries were established based on cost of living:

  1. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden: € 410
  2. Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain: €350
  3. Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Northern Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey: € 290
  4. Third countries not associated with the program, with Erasmus+ agreements: 700€.
  • Transport costs depending on the distance between Darnétal and the destination town:

- For 10 to 99km: €28.00

- For 100 to 499km: €211.00

- For 500 to 1999km: €309.00

- For 2000 to 2999km: €395.00

- For 3000 to 3999km: €580.00

- For 4000 to 7999km: €1,188.00

- For more than 8000km: €1,735.00

You can calculate the distance on this site provided by Erasmus:

Under the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 charter, financial supplements may be awarded:

  • Complement for students with fewer opportunities

Eligibility Criteria:

- In a situation of disability or long-term illness

- Living in a commune classified as a rural revitalization zone (ZRR): https: //

- Living at an address classified as a Priority Neighborhood of the City: https: //

- CROUS higher education scholarship holder on social criteria, grades 6 and 7

- Belonging to a household with a CAF family quota of €566 or less

Inclusion supplement :

250 per month

  • Complementary means of eco-responsible transport

Eligibility Criteria:

- Complete round-trip journeys by train, bus, boat, carpooling (two people or more), journeys made at the beginning and end of mobility only.

Amount of the eco-transport supplement depending on the distance between Darnétal and the city of your mobility :

- For 10 to 99km: €28.00

- For 100 to 499km: €74.00

- For 500 to 1999km: €108.00

- For 2000 to 2999km: €140.00

- For 3000 to 3999km: €205.00

- For 4000 to 7999km: €0.00

- For more than 8000km: €0.00

You can calculate the distance on this site provided by Erasmus:

Support from the Ministry of Culture

Only one mobility grant is awarded for the entire architecture course, either for study mobility or for work placement mobility.

A one-semester mobility entitles you to 4 months of support. A two-semester mobility entitles you to a maximum of 6 months of support.
  • 400 per month mobility for CROUS scholarship students
  • 152 per month of mobility for students not receiving a CROUS grant*.

For non grant holders, the aid is attributed within the limit of the grant received by ENSA Normandie and according to the financial situation of the student, the pedagogical interest, the support provided by other organisations, administrations or local authorities, the destination (cost of travel, cost of living...).

Normandy Regional Council's "Pass Monde" scheme

The condition of eligibility for this scheme is to be from a tax household in Normandy and to have a family income of less than €30,000. The departure package amounts to 200 euros for mobility in Erasmus + programme countries and 400 euros for other destinations, plus 40 euros per week for a maximum duration of 26 weeks (i.e. 6 months).