Resources for ecological architecture. Volume 1, building materials

edited by Noura Arab and François Fleury

<i>Ressources pour l’architecture écologique. Tome 1, matériaux de construction</i>
  • Work

Les Presses des Mines, the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Normandie, the ATE laboratory and the Natural Renewable Resources, Climate and Architecture Chair, are publishing the book Ressources pour l'architecture écologique. Volume 1, building materials. This collective work is the result of the seminar "Les matériaux, ressources constructives en architecture", held in June 2022 at ENSA Normandie.
The book is edited by Noura Arab and François Fleury, teacher-researchers at the ATE laboratory.

Book summary
Today, building materials can no longer be considered as commodities, whose exploitation would be limited only by economic profitability.
This book, the first of a three-volume series, addresses the challenges of integrating low environmental impact materials (biosourced, geosourced and reused) into the world of architecture, and introduces a new relationship with these resources, part of a two-way relationship with our environment. This approach is profoundly altering design processes and prompting us to rethink our research methods.
Scientific contributions, pedagogical feedback, examples of experimentation and controversy are mutually enriching in this book, which sets out the current dynamics of the question of resources in architecture. The multidisciplinarity and variety of points of view reveal the complexity of the problems, provide knowledge and solutions, and open up methodological and creative perspectives in teaching, research and practice on the issue of ecological materials for construction.

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visual: cover of Ressources pour l'architecture écologique. Tome 1, building materials, Presses des Mines, 2023

Posted : 06/10/2023