The Master's programme is a programme devoted to strengthening knowledge. It enables students to acquire various skills: to design an architectural and urban project independently, to grasp the complexity of contemporary processes (societal, economic, environmental), to structure their critical thinking based on an initiation to research and to the different modes of practice of architecture.

There are 3 areas of study:

  1. Experimentation
  2. Architecture of the city and territories
  3. Trans-Form, building with what exists

and three teaching units:

  1. EU1: Multidisciplinary project workshop
  2. EU2: Research and Exploration
  3. EU3: Common lessons
Valentin Lefevre
Excerpt from the final project © Tistchenko

Organisation of teaching

The teaching during this 4-semester cycle is given in the form of courses, project supervision, tutorials and seminars. They include a practical training course, the preparation of a dissertation and a final project.


Organisation of semesters

In the Master's cycle at ENSA Normandie, students benefit from training mainly provided within the fields of study (DE). Together, the various DEs prepare students for the practice of the architectural profession and open them up to the major contemporary issues. In addition, the DEs play a central role in the attractiveness of ENSA Normandie on a national and international level, in its territorial anchorage, and in its integration in the ecosystem of higher education and research. Each student chooses a DE on entering the Master's cycle and follows all the courses over 4 semesters. The internship is integrated into the curriculum.


The aim is to enable the student to master the essential concepts of the tools and methods of urban architectural design.
  • Master the tools, concepts and fundamental knowledge, particularly theoretical, scientific and technical, necessary for the shaping of the architectural project in an urban or landscape context, as well as for its implementation
  • Develop critical thinking about the issues specific to architecture at its different scales: building, city, territory
  • Conducting a complex architectural project with the support of an educational environment
  • To benefit from an initiation to study and research work, offering the opportunity to build a research mention to the State diploma of architect conferring the grade of Master, and in the eventuality of an orientation towards a third cycle of research

Validation mode

Skills and knowledge acquisition are assessed either by continuous assessment or by a final evaluation or examination, or by a combination of both.
The PFE (Project for the End of Studies) is a prerequisite for the ADE (Architecte Diplômé d'Etat) diploma.
Master Cycle
Valentin Lefevre


It leads to the State Diploma of Architecture, a national diploma of higher education, conferring the grade of Master.


Job opportunities

The state diploma provides a common basis for the pursuit of post-master's courses or entry into working life.
It prepares students for the different modes of practice and professional fields of architecture and for research in architecture. It also enables architects with a state diploma to move on to professional life or to become qualified to practice as project managers in their own right, or to obtain a doctorate in architecture, or to obtain other professional or research masters or specialisation and further study diplomas.


Conditions of access

Hold the Diploma of Studies in Architecture,
or have a French or foreign qualification that is exempt from or equivalent to this diploma, or benefit from the validation of studies, professional experience or personal achievements.